
His parents leaned toward the pool and said, “we would have helped, but we had our street clothes on”. Even as a kid I thought, “this kids parents suck, and I wonder how his life will turn out”. With parenting like that, I still wonder whose life I saved.

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Don Cameron

that discussion of attention is really an aside. Because what had me whipsawed was my visceral reaction to Trump’s anti-DEI comment, and its inappropriateness, immediately followed temporally with my listening to a podcast about monarchies, and specifically how the US of A has had monarchies in the past.

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Don Cameron
Do you know your Native American History?

While the settlement by Euro-Americans of the Clear Creek Valley created lasting and profound effects for the Indigenous people of the area, it is a secondary, and less important part of their history. More important, were the lifeways and histories that preceded Euro-American settlement for the 12,000 years prior. Ute bands, including the Moghwachi̱, Tabeguache, and Uncompahgre have called the area home since the time of their Creation, and Cheyenne and Arapaho tribes view the Front Range of Colorado as part of their traditional homelands for over three centuries.

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Don Cameron
No such thing as a free dog (or bridge)

...we have a bridge with pretty lights that have failed, powder coat that has failed, and a partner in CDOT who is very constrained for maintenance too. We have investigated the bridge to the degree necessary to ensure it is safe, but it is still shabby.

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Don Cameron
Unhoused Individuals in Golden - aka THE homeless- June 2024 Update

“For some people, sleeping outside is their only option.” That the local laws impose fines and potential jail time for people “sleeping anywhere in public at any time, including in their cars, if they use as little as a blanket to keep warm or a rolled-up shirt as a pillow” effectively punishes people for being homeless, she wrote. “That is unconscionable and unconstitutional,” Justice Sotomayor said in reading her dissent from the bench, a rare move that signals profound disagreement.

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Don Cameron
Abraham Lincoln on Representation

While acting as their representative, I shall be governed by their will, on all subjects up one which I have the means of knowing what their will is; and upon all others, I shall do what my own judgement teaches me will best advance their interests.

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Don Cameron
Why you should not sign a charter amendment change proposal

I am VERY concerned that passage of limitations on the ability of the city council to make prudent fiscal decisions for all voters will result in worse strategic planning, worse maintenance of infrastructure, and a degradation to our quality of life.  If offered a chance to sign the petition, I'd ask you not to do so. 

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Don Cameron
One of the last times I cried*

The idea that there are no borders, no countries, no wars…you get the idea. So, so much of our conflicts in this world are based on barriers. Our property, street, neighborhood, city, county, state, country, continent, sure, physical barriers. But they are a completely man-made construct that we have become habituated to.

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Don Cameron